The Anchorage House Museum will be open on the second Monday from 6-7p .
The Anchorage House Museum will be open on the second Monday from 6-7p .
Located just beyond our 19th century replica timber frame shop is the very active GTHS School of Blacksmithing. Our resident blacksmith Jamie Gier has put our school on the map, organizing classes in blacksmithing skills, knife making, metal arts, and more, led by talented instructors and artisans.
Check them out below!
If you have requested a spot in any of these classes, please send a deposit of 50% to secure your spot.
Please follow our Facebook page, Goshen Historical Society School of Blacksmithing for photos and to share information with our private group.
Jamie Gier
Follow us on Facebook "Goshen Historical Society School of Blacksmithing"
We are still working on more class offerings and other instructors as details get worked out. Please check again for updates.
All classes have a maximum of eight spots, but we will maintain a waiting list in case someone cancels their enrollment. A 50% deposit is required to hold a spot. Deposits payable to the Goshen Township Historical Society, mailed to Jamie Gier, 6777 Linton Road, Goshen, Ohio 45122.
To register contact Jamie Gier at 419.209.2661. Payment can be made directly on our website or if paying by check, make payable to GTHS and mail to 6777 Linton Rd. Goshen OH 45122.
Please let Resident Blacksmith Jamie Gier know other areas of study you would be interested to see on our schedule. All of the classes have a limited number of spots available. Please note: if we do not have enough participants to break even (covering instructor and materials costs), the class will be cancelled and registered participants will be issued a full refund.
Class size varies from 6 to 10, depending on instructor’s preference. Deposit of 50% required to hold your spot. Payment in full is preferred.
Regardless of your selected payment type, contact Jamie Gier confirm your reserved spot for the class by phone 419.209.2661 or email
We are indeed fortunate to work with incredibly talented artisans from
around the country.
Known for more than 100 years as the Cook Farm, the Cook Log Cabin Heritage Center features a restored 1803 log cabin, a century old bank barn, a replica 19th century timber frame blacksmith shop and livery, and several other outbuildings. Near the back of the property, in a transformed 1950's barn, is the GTHS School of Blacksmithing. The former Cook Farm now serves as a living history site, depicting farm life from pioneer times through the Great Depression era. This rural setting, dotted with structures from times gone by, adds to the experience of those who come to learn blacksmithing and other metal arts.
Blacksmithing Coke for Sale
We have recently purchased 3.5 tons of blacksmithing coke, the best solid fuel used by our resident blacksmith. Nice .5" x 1.5" chucks. Burns hot and clean with no smoke or dust. It is available for 50 cents per pound. Bring your own containers. A scale is available at the GTHS School of Blacksmithing ( 5 gallon bucket weighs 24 pounds). Coke is lighter by volume than coal and has higher BTUs.
Blacksmith Supplies for Sale
We have coke, butcher block brushes, and Kevlar gloves available through the GTHS School of Blacksmithing. Proceeds go to facility improvements.
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